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16 dic 20194 Min. de lectura
Steven Poelmans: Cyborgs are among us
In his interview to Invest Foresight, a main media partner of the Forum, he shared his foresights regarding synergy between humans and AI
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11 dic 20193 Min. de lectura
The NeuroTrainingLab™ methodology adapts to the specific needs of each country
The NeuroTrainingLab™ methodology, developed and taught by KLIO in Barcelona, follows specific and core guidelines in all its franchises...
101 visualizaciones0 comentarios
4 nov 20192 Min. de lectura
Harvard Business Review Brazil publishes an article on the NeuroTrainingLab™
NTL Brazil is managed by our partner company Nortus “NeuroTrainingLab™ offers a unique experience of observable and measurable...
101 visualizaciones0 comentarios
16 oct 20194 Min. de lectura
Prof. Dr. Steven Poelmans receives the Melexis Endowed Chair of HPO at Antwerp Management School
Being named to a chair is a prestigious award and at the same time a challenge. The purpose of an endowed chair is to conduct research...
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20 feb 20191 Min. de lectura
Video: Hoe kunnen we efficiënter met de hersenen werken? Gebruik emoties.
Professor Steven Poelmans geeft een korte teasende vragen over Neuro & gedrag en prestaties van mensen. Hoe kunnen we meer efficiënt met...
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20 feb 20191 Min. de lectura
Video: How to unleash the brain to achieve effective leadership?
Scientists predict that the next Human species will be “homo sapiens autocreator”, that is the self-creating species, which will meet the...
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19 feb 20194 Min. de lectura
Las Leyes Universales del Coaching
Vivimos en un mundo cada vez más global, donde las personas conviven y colaboran en entornos diversos en ciudades metropolitanos,...
140 visualizaciones0 comentarios
19 feb 20193 Min. de lectura
Article 1: Introduction to the Paradox Theory of Leadership
Changes in the environment require adaptation of those who inhabit it, at least to survive or ideally to strive. Advances in...
132 visualizaciones0 comentarios
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