The BrainBalance
In a few minutes, learn how to balance the healthy activities necessary for your mental well-being.

Assessment tool for your mental well-being.
Own theoretical model
We have our own theoretical framework created to support brain health, which is based on scientific data, clinical work, behavioral research, affective and social neuroscience, and psychology.
Personalized results
By honestly answering simple questions, you will receive a personalized mental diet to support your physical and mental well-being.
Discover your balance
Learn how the key neurocognitive activities you perform each day are related and how this relationship helps nourish your mind.
* Book available at for now in Dutch.
Theoretical model

Healthy neurocognitive activities

Time in a mentally alert state of focused attention, while working or during non-professional activities that require full attention, such as studying or playing chess.

Time spent in social activities or in a relationship or interaction with others, in which a free and safe exchange of ideas and emotions is possible.

Physical exercise, physical activity (leisure, sport, conditioning, professional) planned, structured and repetitive with the aim of improving or maintaining physical fitness, alone or with others.

Time in spontaneous activities to have fun and relax, alone or with others, instead of achieving a goal. The use of humor, making jokes, laughing or playing with words is the most common form of play in adults.

Time of low vigilance, "disconnected" mood, coming from daydreams or associative thoughts without a specific intention, which can take place in a state of physical rest or automated activity.

Time spent in a relaxed physical state and an awake mental state of mindfulness or focused on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

State of unconsciousness, inactivity and relaxation of the muscles of the body with the eyes closed, which can occur both at night and during the day (siesta, siesta). 7 hours of sleep per day is recommended for brain health.

Time spent in an awake, low-vigilance state of mind associated with engaging in largely automated or automatic behaviors (such as in predictable, repetitive, routine, or ritual activities).

Ways to use it
The results of The BrainBalance assessment can be used to:
Feed your personal/professional development program or coaching program.
Improve time management to increase your productivity.
Support your strategy for stress relief.